
follow-up service

Provide 1 year or longer term follow-up service and check patient condition on a weekly or bi-weekly basis

Designed for chronic disease patients

Convenient and efficient for physicians using mobile technology, single scoring system and triaging patients who need extra attention



Opportunity for patient to contact physician, share feedback and pose questions or concerns.

Physician feedback to improve doctor patient relations and drive higher patient satisfaction levels.

Tracking effect


Multi-dimensional tracking of patient condition using mobile technology

Conversion of patient data into single health score specific to patient disease

Allows to track multiple patients with minimal effort by physician and/or physician staff

Patient self-tracking versus pre-procedure baseline to index relative improvement in quality of life

Outcome reseach &


Correlating longitudinal patient health tracking with procedure intervention data will allow to develop expected outcomes for patients of similar age and pre-condition and intervention type.

Defining such expected outcome bands will allow to identify opportunities for outcome improvement by physician or by intervention type

Outcome based incentives: linking physician compensation for care services rendered to actual outcome levels and making outcomes transparent to physicians.

With increasing high prevalence of high cost chronic conditions, increasing cost pressure and growing emphasis on value based healthcare, care and case managements have emerged as salient services among payers and providers.

The goal of these services are to better manage cost/ utilization, improve quality metrics and patient satisfaction.

However, many payers and providers remain frustrated that despite increased investment in such services, only a small fraction of patients are reached with infrequent engagement, sometimes causing additional friction in the referral chain.

In theory, even only a small improvement in patient outcomes would come with high returns. There is a lot of potential, but traction has been limited. Lack of physician time, physician incentives, patient compliance and cost of service are key barriers for such programs to be effective.






In most emerging countries, there are additional challenges to overcome:

● Access to physicians is difficult and requires long wait times

● High out-of-pocket patient co-pay results in high outcome expectations by the patient

● Physicians treat more patients than in more mature countries. Physicians are rushed and see so many patients per day, there is very limited time for long-term patient follow-up

● Physicians treat more patients than in more mature countries. Physicians are rushed and see so many patients per day, there is very limited time for long-term patient follow-up

● The amount of data quickly becomes overwhelming for the physician, nursing staff.

● There is no apparent funding mechanism available (reimbursement, patient pay) to incentivize physician to engage with patient outside of hospital setting

● Providing services outside of public hospital setting is in a grey area, while encouraged, still requires explicit release by the hospital

● Physicians often receive benefits from distributors to supplement their low compensation which adds cost to overall healthcare without adding value.

Patient Centricity is continuous care to improve long term outcomes

Physician or delegate can respond to patients with concerns or lagging progress and offer consultancy.

Real time patient dashboard available on physician mobile device; Physician can conveniently review patients who are behind on progress

As patients interact with the mobile platform, the system captures and reports data on patient progress focusing on parameters relevant to the specific chronic condition using the standard outcome sets from ICHOM

PROM (Patient reported outcome measures) is converted to a single score that can be tracked and trended over time against pre-procedure baseline; patients outside of expected range can be identified automatically

Ongoing Hospital Projects


• Since 2016, we initiated the partnership with China Society of Cardiology (CSC) and China Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (CSPE)of Chinese Medical Association in West China Hospital, to validate the cardio standard set and solution for the heart rhythm and heart failure disease.

• Since 2017, we have been working on post-procedures patient tracking of coronary artery disease in Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital and Shanghai Renji Hospital


• Upon the newly developed musculoskeletal standard set for hip & knee reconstruction, we are partnering with Shanghai No. 6 Peoples’ Hospital to follow patients’ rehabilitation post-reconstruction of hip & knees.


SempraCare is a privately-held technology B2B company, in the mobile healthcare space, based in Hong Kong as SempraCare Co. LTD.

SempraCare is fully a independent company and not affiliated with any industry such as Medical Devices or Pharmaceutical, any hospital group or payer group.

Our business model is driven by enrollment of specialist physicians who will encourage their patients to connect with them using the SempraCare platform. Patients are asked to pay for the services received.

The company’s operating expenses are partially funded through industry consortium sponsorship.

SempraCare is operating within the policy guidelines by the China Healthcare Oversight bodies (NHFPC, AIC, NDRC, SFDA) as well as US FCPA and observes HIPPA patient privacy protection. SempraCare is prepared to provide independently audited financial statements and transaction records to ensure full transparency.

SempraCare is privately seed-funded and is preparing for Series A funding.

Today’s Healthcare is very efficient in diagnosing and delivering medical intervention, but long term patient outcome is often not in scope. Our Mission is Patient Centricity: extending physician care for chronic disease patients to improve outcomes.

With SempraCare, Patients will be able to keep in touch with their doctor to speed recovery and better manage their condition over the long term.

With SempraCare, Physicians extend their value outside the procedure, track patient progress and build trust and reputation.

SempraCare will align patients, physicians and industry to improve patient outcomes, human welfare and healthcare efficiency.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Interested to lean more about SempraCare and how it help your organization? We look forward to hearing from you!

Click here to contact us





Hong Kong:+852 3752 4168

Shanghai:+86 021 6841 3125


Hong Kong:Rm1020-21A,10/F,No.5 Canton Road,Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon,Hong Kong

Shanghai:C# 13th floor, Shanghai New Hualian Mansion, No 755, Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai

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